Komunikácia v zdravotníckej praxi
Renáta Suchanová , Lucia Dimunová
The following textbook deals with issues related to communication in medical practice which significantly affects the survival and behaviour of a patient. Communication skills and the attitude of healthcare professionals exercised towards a patient have significant impact on patient’s ability to handle treatment and his or hers co-operation during the process. This publication is intended to serve as a guide applicable towards deeper knowledge, better comprehension and overall understanding of the mental state of an ill person, his or her needs, stances, behaviour patterns, but also his or her management of the illness. Attention is also paid to the active building of a relationship between the healthcare professional and the patient, with emphasis on respect, truthfulness, and mutual understanding in communication. Particularly accentuated are issues related to specific effective communication skills, methods, and techniques serviceable during interactions with a patient; application of empathy and proactive approach are highlighted.
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