Social Justice and Old Age Pension Savings Scheme in the Slovak Republic




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Autori:Richard Geffert - Denisa Rovenská
Vedecký redaktordoc. Ing. PhDr. Stanislav Konečný, PhD., MPA.
Rok vydania:2022
Dostupné od:07.11.2022
Vydanie:1. vydanie
Typ dokumentu:monografia
Jazyk publikácie:angličtina
Počet strán:95
Fakulta/pracovisko UPJŠ:Fakulta verejnej správy UPJŠ
Licencia:Creative Commons BY SA (Uveďte autora - Zachovajte licenciu)


Social justice as a key value of social policy is an integral part of the social security system of every democratic and legal state of Western Civilization.The scientific monograph focuses on social justice in the old-age pension system in the Slovak Republic within diapason 2004 - 2022. The attention is dominantly focused on II., the so-calledcapitalization pension pillar.The aims of the scientific monograph correspond to the selected aims formulated as part of the project VEGA 1/0290/20 Social justice and old-age pension savings in the Slovak Republic.The main aim of the monograph is to identify the perception of social justice in the capitalization pillar of old-age pension savings through the value orientations of savers who are deciding to invest in funds II.pillar, as models created by relevant political representations in the Slovak Republic.

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