Lingua Latina – cvičebnica pre historikov



Data sheet

E-kniha (pdf)
Jana Balegová
Typ dokumentu:
vysokoškolský učebný text (skriptá)
Počet strán:
Dostupné od:
Rok vydania:
1. vydanie
Jazyk publikácie:
slovenčina, latinčina
Fakulta UPJŠ:
Filozofická fakulta
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7 other products in the same category:

Cursus Latinus - učebnica



Jana Balegová

University textbook „Cursus Latinus - textbook“ is intended for students of the study program Latin language and literature. It is divided into „Introduction“ and 37 lessons. The content of lessons is morphology, sentence syntax and selected phenomena of case syntax of the Latin language. Each of the lessons contains a grammatical explanation, followed by sentences designed to demonstrate the forms of grammatical phenomena and the required vocabulary (Dictionary). Using these examples, students learn the basic principles of translation from Latin into Slovak and from Slovak into Latin. The textbook also includes a Latin-Slovak dictionary containing the entire vocabulary used in the textbook. The „Cursus Latinus - textbook“ is intended for the interpretation of grammar and the acquisition of grammatical phenomena of the Latin language under the guidance of the teacher. A parallel exercise book (Cursus Latinus – exercise book) is used to practice Latin grammar at home. The exercise book includes a key to the exercises and a Latin-Slovak dictionary containing vocabulary from the textbook and the exercise book. University textbook „Cursus Latinus - textbook“ is available electronically in PDF format.

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Lectiones grammaticae Latinae I



Jana Balegová

Skriptá Lectiones grammaticae Latinae I sú primárne určené pre študentov 1. ročníka špecializácie Latinský jazyk a literatúra na FF UPJŠ v Košiciach. Vznikli z praktickej potreby ľahko dostupnou formou (elektronicky) sprístupniť študentom preberané gramatické učivo v takej postupnosti, v akej nasleduje v jednotlivých lekciách používanej cvičebnice latinského jazyka. Z toho dôvodu obsahujú i gramatické javy presahujúce oblasť latinskej morfológie, ktorá tvorí hlavnú náplň gramatického kurzu v 1. roku štúdia. V prípade potreby sú však využiteľné aj pre iné študijné odbory, ktoré majú ako súčasť študijného programu latinský jazyk.

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Hortus Graeco-Latinus Cassoviensis IV



Jana Balegová-Erika Brodňanská (eds.)

It has been eleven years since the Department of Classical Philology of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice opened the gates of its imaginary colourful garden for the first time. At that time, the Hortus Graeco-Latinus Cassoviensis provided a space to present the results of work from all fields of the classical, Latin medieval, and Neo-Latin studies to colleagues from Slovakia. Five years later, the "garden" was enriched by colleagues from Bohemia and Moravia, and this time, at its fourth opening, colleagues from Greece and Germany also honoured it with their works. Variety remained its characteristic feature. Papers on ancient history, the linguistics of classical languages, ancient and medieval literature, ancient philosophy, the history of ancient medicine and Neo-Latin studies, as well as contributions on the teaching of classical languages, are presented in the proceedings. Moreover, the volume is published as an output of two seemingly disparate VEGA projects carried out at the department: No. 1/0109/21 Poemata de se ipso by Gregory of Nazianzus and No. 1/0255/22 Medicus poeta. Neo-Latin literature of medical authors associated with Slovakia. However, appearances are deceptive, because Gregor of Nazianzus, although a church father, also wrote poetry, his works contain numerous allusions to the medical milieu, and he had a brother who was a physician. His entire work is characterised by the variety of the themes he explores. References to the Bible are not uncommon in the works of medical poets. Just as the projects differ and simultaneously overlap with each other, the themes of the individual contributions also differ and overlap.

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Cursus Latinus - cvičebnica



Jana Balegová

The university textbook „Cursus Latinus – exercise book“ is a parallel study material to the textbook „Cursus Latinus – textbook“. It is designed for practicing grammar at home. The content of the exercises corresponds in its focus to the lessons of the mentioned textbook, both in terms of the grammatical phenomena, as well as the vocabulary. For this reason, only vocabulary that was not included in the lessons of the textbook is included in the exercises. The Latin-Slovak dictionary at the end of the exercise book contains the entire vocabulary from the exercise book and the textbook. Part of the exercise book is a key that allows students to immediately check the correctness of their work. „Cursus Latinus - exercise book“ is available electronically in PDF format.

Download the e-book for free  (pdf)

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