Časopis ŽIVENA v rokoch 1919 – 1928



Ivica Hajdučeková

The anthology was created based on the study of archival volumes of Živena preserved in the Slovak National Library in Martin and the selection of material representing samples of texts that reflect the spirit of the times and contribute to the image of the contemporary modern woman.

The selection of articles from 1919 to 1928 uncovers the cultural atmosphere at the beginning of the 20th century when, thanks to emancipation efforts, doors were opening for women into public and professional life. Students from the 3rd and 4th years of the School of Applied Arts in Košice, under the guidance of teachers in photographic design and Slovak language and literature, were involved in preparing the illustrative component of the anthology, whose artistic interpretations are part of the publication. Their contribution meets the criteria for combining science and practice with a focus on popularizing research results.

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Jazyková kultúra nielen pre lingvistov (vybrané...



Iveta BónováLucia Jasinská

Language culture is not only for linguists; it is a professional publication suitable as a textbook, in which we attempt to describe and explain the most frequent phenomena of speech practice in an innovative way.

These phenomena are observed not only in the media environment but also in the academic sphere, which, with regard to the communication sphere (mass media communication, scientific research), are often used incorrectly and thus subconsciously penetrate the language awareness of all language users.

This includes those for whom language is a working tool with a primarily representative function (teachers at all levels of schools or radio and television workers).

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