Workshop on Quantum Magnetism: Theoretical Challenges and Future Perspectives




Kľúčové slová:

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Zostavovatelia:Jozef Strečka, Hana Čenčariková, Andrej Gendiar
Rok vydania:2019
Dostupné od:20.05.2019
Vydanie:1. vydanie
Typ dokumentu:zborník abstraktov
Jazyk publikácie:angličtina
Počet strán:41
Fakulta/pracovisko UPJŠ:Prírodovedecká fakulta UPJŠ


June 7th - 8th, 2019, Košsice, Slovakia

The proceeding involves programme and abstracts of Workshop on Quantum Magnetism: Theoretical Challenges and Future Perspectives, which will be held on June 7th – June 8th, 2019, in Košice, Slovakia. The workshop is organized by Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and Institute of Experimental Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice under the financial support of Slovak Research and Development Agency. The main conference topics are devoted to state-of-the-art problems of Quantum Theory of Magnetism inncluding molecular magnetism, highly frustrated magnetism, magnetic phase transitions, quantum spin liquids, strongly correlated systems, exotic quantum states, flat-band systems and quantum entanglement.

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