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Kľúčové slová:

Data sheet

Compilers:Jozef Suchoža - Ján Husár - Regina Hučková
Available from:1.12.2023
Edition:1st edition
Document type:Proceedings of scientific works
Publication language:slovenčina, angličtina
Number of pages:404
Faculty:Faculty of Law
Note:Zborník bol vydaný v rámci riešenia grantových úloh APVV-17-0561 “Ľudskoprávne a etické aspekty kybernetickej spoločnosti”, APVV-19-0424 „Inovatívna obchodná spoločnosť: vnútrokorporátne premeny, digitálne výzvy a nástup umelej inteligencie“
Poznámka:a APVV-21-0336 „Analýza súdnych rozhodnutí metódami umelej inteligencie“.
Licencia:Creative Commons BY NC ND (Uveďte autora - Nepoužívajte komerčne - Nespracovávajte)

More info

The Proceedings of the International Scientific Symposium "LA W-BUSINESS-ECONOMICS XII" is a collection of scientific works by authors participating in the symposium of the same name. The publication focuses primarily on the area of representation in private law, related pai1ies in corporate and bankruptcy law, and current issues of legal regulation of artificial intelligence. The authors of indivídua! contributions are erudite experts from various branches of law. The collection of scientific papers is a complete work in the form of a collection, with an overlap into private and public law sectors. Readers are presented with scientific outputs from authors from the Slovak legal environment, as well as from foreign authors. Several authors' paper provide a European legal perspective or an international comparative perspective.

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