Vybrané kapitoly z infektológie

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Data sheet

Authors:Ivana Hockicková - Ondrej Zahornacký
Contributions:Ján Hockicko - Pavol Jarčuška - Pavol Kristian - Zuzana Paraličová - Štefan Porubčin - Alena Rovňáková
Year of publication:2024
Available from:02.04.2024
Edition:1st edition
Document type:Academic textbook - scripts
Publication language:Slovak
Number of pages:200
Faculty:Faculty of Medicine
Licencia:Creative Commons BY NC ND (Uveďte autora - Nepoužívajte komerčne - Nespracovávajte)

More info

The textbook „Selected chapters in Infectology“ is a comprehensive study material about selected infectious diseases for students of medicine as well as other healthcare professions. It is primarily intended for students of general and dental medicine. It is the first textbook of its kind, aiming to provide students with comprehensive information about different types of infectious diseases, including their causes, typical symptoms, diagnostics, treatment and prevention. It is divided into a total of 18 chapters. The textbook is written in accordance with the latest knowledge about infectious diseases and serves as the foundation for success in the Infectology subject.

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