Michal Legiňa kol.
Progress in biology and medicine has always been significantly related to advances in physics. Not only has physics supplied instruments and methods of measurement that have led to many discoveries in physiology and medicine, but methods of physical research have changed many of the older approaches to the biologic sciences. Such circumstances have even led to development of a new scientific field: biophysics, which uses to a great extent physical instrumentation procedures applied to an experimental system. Because any instrument is an additional factor in any experimental system, it may affect the data. To interpret physical data on biological material correctly then, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of instrument response.
A practical course enables a student to acquire some skills, experience and methodological knowledge for performance of experiments and evaluation of measured data. Due to the fast development of instrumentation technology, it is not possible to teach every operation and procedure upon instruments we may use in a future. Besides the basic physical principles, the aim of a practical course is to point out some general rules and skills for instrument operation and for the interpretation of the measured values derived from such operation.
There are two kinds of lessons in practical courses. The first one focuses on laboratory measurements of some important physical quantities and the evaluation of the measured data. These measured quantities are components of the subject “medical biophysics” or of the phenomena studied. Experience provided in managing various scales and tables, as well as in the construction of tables and graphs is substantial. Lessons also enable students to repeat and to strengthen their knowledge of secondary school physics, which is useful for understanding of many phenomena studied in medical biophysics. The second kind of lesson provides experience with some of the diagnostic and therapeutic medical instruments, which can be seen in practical medicine.
The understanding of basic physical principles of corresponding instruments is both recommended and demanded. Theoretical preparation is not only an appropriate condition for the practical managing of the whole lesson, but also helps to avoid injury. This textbook, therefore, intends to help students in preparing for both the practical lessons and the final exam.