Firewall demokracie

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Kľúčové slová:

Data sheet

Compilers:Martina Hurčalová - Lukáš Jakabovič - Jana Kseňák Gregová
Year of publication:2024
Available from:14.05.2021
Edition:1st edition
Document type:Proceedings
Publication language:Slovak
Number of pages:199
Faculty:Faculty of Arts
Note:Publikácia vychádza ako výstup grantového projektu VEGA č. 1/0321/21 - Výskum korelácií medzi deformáciami politického vedomia a nárastom politického extrémizmu u študentov stredných škôl Košického a Prešovského samosprávneho kraja.
Licencia:Creative Commons BY NC ND (Uveďte autora - Nepoužívajte komerčne - Nespracovávajte)

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Proceedings of the XIIth International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists organized on the 19th of May 2023 at the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice in cooperation with Institute of Political Science and Public Administration, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Marie Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, University of Miskolc, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy, Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas and the Res Publica civic association.

The aim of the present publication Firewall of Democracy is to highlight the distortions of democracy and its defense mechanisms in the contemporary world, Europe or even Slovakia itself.

The collection consists of 13 contributions, mainly in Slovak, but also in English and Czech languages. The authors of the individual contributions dealt with the state of democracy and its problems not only in the domestic but also in the global environment.

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