Chirurgická propedeutika

Jozef Radoňák a kol.


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Data sheet

Author:Jozef Radoňák
Authors:Juraj Bober, Jozef Belák, Lucia Sukovská-Lakyová, Róbert Kilík, Peter Pažinka
Year of publication:2023
Edition:1st edition
Document type:Academic textbook - scripts
Publication language:Slovak
Number of pages:210
VydavateľUPJŠ Vydavateľstvo ŠafárikPress
Faculty:Faculty of Medicine
Clinic:I. chirurgická klinika

More info

The Surgical Propedeutics textbook represents educational texts that provide an insight into surgery's history through generally applicable surgery principles and modem diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Particular attention is paid to the basics of surgical oncology, trauma surgery, anesthesiology and resuscitation, as well as the treatment of bleeding, infection, shock and transplantation. The text also includes chapters on war surgery.

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