Vyšetrovacie metódy v internej medicíne

Ivana Valočiková , Ivana Jochmanová a kolektív 


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Data sheet

Author:Ivana Valočíková, ivana Jochmanová
Authors:Ingrid Dravecká, Laura Gombošová, Martin Janičko Pavol Joppa, Ján Lazúr, Ivica Lazúrová, Želmíra Macejová Peter Mitro, Maroš Rudnay, Gabriel Valočík
Year of publication:2021
Edition:1st edition
Document type:Textbook
Publication language:Slovak
Number of pages:254
VydavateľUPJŠ v Košiciach, Vydavateľstvo ŠafárikPress
Faculty:Faculty of Medicine

More info

            The aim of the project is to prepare and publish text book addressed to examination methods in internal medicine. The basic for diagnostic process are beside history and physical examination, investigational methods. How to use them belongs to fundamental attainments of physicain. There is no publication in Slovakia with presentation of examinations methods used in internal medicine. This book could be a source of informations about use, possibilities and rationale selection of examination methods in different internal diseases. This textbook can be a good study material for pregradual students, as well as for residents preparing in specialization study. The publication will continue the previous textbook „Interná propedeutika“, that has been published under the KEGA project 022/UPJŠ-4/2011 solved in years 2011-2013. The textbook was published in 2014, the second edition of the textbook was in early 2022.

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