Machine learning

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Data sheet

Authors:Gabriela Andrejková, Ľubomír Antoni
Year of publication:2020
Available from:20.10.2020
Edition:1st edition
Document type:Academic textbook - scripts
Publication language:Slovak
Number of pages:91
Faculty:Faculty of Science
Note:Tento projekt sa realizuje vďaka podpore z Európskeho sociálneho fondu v rámci Operačného programu Ľudské zdroje. Spracované s finančnou podporou národného projektu IT Akadémia – vzdelávanie pre 21. storočie
Licencia:Creative Commons BY (Uveďte autora)

More info

Machine learning addresses the issues of how computer programs recognize complex patterns and make decisions based on data. In these university textbooks, we focus on theoretical knowledge in the field of machine learning in which we present the creation of concepts for objects, the preparation of concepts, hypotheses and the process of learning from examples. We describe Boolean formulas and their representations, probabilistic learning, linear and logistic regression, linear modeling and classification. Clustering and the Bayesian approach to machine learning conclude this publication. University textbooks are intended for students of master's degree programs in computer science.

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