Geotourism regions – delimitation, classification, basic concepts


Autor: Elżbieta Gałka

Rok vydania: 2019

Vydavateľ: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Ústav geografie

Dostupné od: 20.12.2019

URL časopisu: 

Abstrakt: The overarching goal of this article is introducing to the literature the term geotourism regions as well as set the basic rules for their delimitation and classification according to strictly established criteria. The term “geotourism region” often occurs in the world literature, but it is usually understood as an area where an evaluation of its geotourism potential is carried out. The lack of a definition results in this term being wrongly interpreted and applied inconsistently. In order to systematize current knowledge on geotourism regions literature review concerning defining and hierarchy of spatially distributed geotourism units was carried out. As a result, for the first time, apart from proposal of the setting basic rules for delimitation and classification of geotourism regions, definitions of geotourism regions, geotourism areas and geotourism destinations were introduced. Introducing the above mentioned concepts could constitute an important starting point of reference for theoretical discussions and practical applications in the fast-growing geotourism industry. Geotourism regions could also constitute a powerful tool in the regional management of geotourism resources. Limitations of studies are very small number of papers devoted to the main topic of the article.

Kľúčové slová: geotourism regions, geodiversity, geotourism potential, geoheritage

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