Regionální rozložení přímých zahraničních investic v kontextu ekonomické úrovně krajů České republiky


Autor: Milan Damborský

Rok vydania: 2019

Vydavateľ: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Ústav geografie

Dostupné od: 20.12.2019

URL časopisu: 

Abstrakt: Foreign direct investments (FDIs) are one of the key factors determining the development of the world economy as well as national and regional economies. The paper is focused on the assessment of the distribution of the FDIs in relation to the economic level of the regions. The paper is based on the assumption that the for-eign direct investments are beneficial for regional economies. The aim of the paper is to assess whether FDIs contribute to reduction or increase of differences in the eco-nomic level of the regions in the Czech Republic. The study verifies the hypothesis: "Foreign direct investments are realized over-proportionally in the regions with a higher economic level and so the differences in the economic level of the regions of the Czech Republic are deepening." The impacts of FDIs on the economic development are assessed in the theoretical part. The theoretical part is oriented on the relations of the FDIs and the labour market, the technology transfer, the domestic firms, export potential and other issues. The hypothesis was tested by the concentration analysis. This analysis confirmed that FDIs were realized over-proportionally in the regions with higher eco-nomic level and thus the FDIs were contributing to deepening of the differences in the economic level of the regions. The analysis confirmed over-proportional volume of FDIs in regions with higher gross domestic product and gross value added over the whole reference period from 1999 to 2016 and in the regions with lower unemploy-ment rate in the period from 2009 to 2016.

Kľúčové slová:  investment, region, economy, development, FDI, Czech Republic

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Geographia Cassoviensis

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