Zmeny krajinnej pokrývky vo veľkých mierkach s využitím starých máp: prípadová štúdia mestskej časti Bratislava-Devín


Autor: Filip MORAVČÍK, Alexandra BENOVÁ

Rok vydania: 2020

Vydavateľ: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Ústav geografie

Dostupné od: 22.12.2020

URL časopisu: 

Abstrakt: The maps record a generalized state of a landscape at a particular time. Therefore, the old maps are useful for the study of land cover changes. More recent land cover state is captured by the orthophotomaps showing the reality without generalisation. However, there are limitations with this source of spatial information to identify certain objects in the forest, such as rivers or unpaved roads. The paper aims to present a detailed reconstruction of land cover changes, including the characteristics of each change that has occurred in a case study of the Bratislava-Devín city district. Five different map sources were used covering the period from 1920 to 2009 from the newest to the oldest: Slovak state database for the geographic information system (ZBGIS), digital orthophotomap of the Slovak Republic (DGO SR), Basic map of the Slovak Republic (ZM SR), Military topographic map in the Gauss-Krüger projection (TM G-K), and the Third military survey maps of the Habsburg Empire in an updated version (VTM). Mapping of land cover changes was performed at the fifth hierarchical level of the Corine Land Cover at a scale of 1:10,000. First, the maps were individually visually interpreted and individual land cover classes were identified. Further, the land cover changes were identified by retrospective comparison of the individually interpreted maps approaching from youngest to oldest. The results show a significant occurrence of orchards and vineyards in the monitored area and the occurrence of several processes: urbanization, intensification of agriculture, and afforestation.

Kľúčové slová: : land cover changes, fifth hierarchical level of CLC, old maps, Bratislava-Devín

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Geographia Cassoviensis

2454 – 0005
