Chirurgia pre študentov medicíny

Mária Frankovičová , Jana kaťuchová , Jozef Radoňak a kol.


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Kľúčové slová:

Data sheet

Authors:Mária Frankovičová , Jana Kaťuchová , Jozef Radoňak a kol.
Year of publication:2022
Edition:1st edition
Document type:Vysokoškolská učebnica
Publication language:Slovak
Number of pages:740
VydavateľUPJŠ v Košiciach Vydavateľstvo ŠafárikPress
Faculty:Faculty of Medicine
Clinic:I. chirurgická klinika

More info

Textbook of surgery for medical students that delivers comprehensive up-to-date knowledge needed to succeed in medical school. The areas covered include surgical propedeutics, surgery of the neck, thorax and abdomen and surgical subspecialities, including traumatology, neurosurgery, ortopaedics, urology, vascular, plastic, pediatric surgery and cardiac surgery.

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