Mandatory disclosure of information at the municipal level

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Kľúčové slová:

Data sheet

Authors:Viktória Adamov Kráľová - Peter Molitoris -Viktória Ferková - Frederika Fogašová
Year of publication:2024
Available from:29.06.2024
Edition:1st edition
Document type:Handbook, commentary
Publication language:Slovak
Number of pages:30
Note:Projekt VVGS-2023-2699 s názvom „Povinné zverejňovanie informácií na komunálnej úrovni“ vznikol vďaka finančným prostriedkom Vnútornej vedeckej grantovej schémy Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach.

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According to the legislation, the municipality is considered as an entity that is obliged to provide information to the public by making information available upon request or by actively publishing information. The methodological manual entitled "Mandatory disclosure of information at the municipal level" defines the procedure, identified problem areas and recommendations/examples of good practice in the process of making information available upon request. The presented manual also draws attention to legal regulations and information with which municipalities come into contact most often and which, according to their wording, are required to be published.