Žiadne produkty
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33542/TJB2020-1-01
Autor: Ivan M. Danylyk, Vladimir V. Kricsfalusy
Rok vydania: 2020
Vydavateľ: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Botanická záhrada
Dostupné od: 23.04.2020
URL článku: https://www.upjs.sk/pracoviska/botanicka-zahrada/odborne-aktivity/volume-30-2020-abstracts/
Abstrakt: his paper presents a phytogeographical analysis of the genus Carex (Cyperaceae) in Saskatchewan, Canada. Carex (sedges) is the largest genus of vascular plants in the provincial flora, which includes 105 species used in our analysis. Phytogeographical differentiation of the genus was determined based on zonal, climatic, altitudinal and regional position of the study species. First of all, 15 zonal range types were identified. It was found that the majority of the study species are located in moderately cold or cold natural zones and have rather large range sizes with a high degree of disjunction. After that, the study species were classified into four climatic range types, situated within the significant impact of the severe continental climate. Later, four altitudinal range types, with a slight predominance of the group of species associated with the plain and low-altitude areas, were recognised. Finally, based on the geographic distribution of Carex species they were classified into four regional range types. Overall, the range formation of the genus Carex in Saskatchewan took evolutionary a long time and was driven by latitudinal species migration in two directions – to the northern and to a lesser extent the southern boundary of the province. The genus Carex in Saskatchewan demonstrates much stronger biogeographical affinities to America, than to East Asia and Europe. There is a fairly high number of bipolar Carex species which are distributed in the province at high northern latitudes.
Kľúčové slová: taxonomic composition, geographical distribution, range types.
Názov časopisu: ISSN: Ročník: Ćíslo: | THAISZIA - JOURNAL OF BOTANY 1210-0420 30.2020 1 |