Žiadne produkty
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33542/VSS2020-1-04
Autori: Romana Hricová, Renáta Madzinová
Rok vydania: 2020
Vydavateľ: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Fakulta verejnej správy
Dostupné od: 30.06.2020
URL článku: http://www.vsas.fvs.upjs.sk/
Structural changes in the labour market, employment growth and a lack of skilled labour have generated interest in additional workforce. At first, Slovakia responded by employing the long-term unemployed and by increasing internal migration, but there was also a gradual pressure on employing foreigners. Foreigners gradually began to come to Slovakia, not only from the EU, but also from third countries. For a more detailed analysis, 5 countries were selected, which in the last analysed year accounted for the highest percentage of the employment of foreigners from third countries. The aim of the paper is to find out, on the basis of the analysis of the number of working foreigners in Slovakia, in which professions they are most often employed and whether we are able to use their knowledge potential.
Kľúčové slová: employment, foreigners, migration, labour market, education
Názov časopisu: ISSN: Ročník: Ćíslo: | Verejná správa a spoločnosť 2453-9236 21/2020 1 |