Žiadne produkty
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33542/SIC2020-2-07
Autor: Jana Žuľová , Marek Švec
Rok vydania: 2020
Vydavateľ: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Právnická fakulta
Dostupné od: 20.09.2020
URL časopisu: http://sic.pravo.upjs.sk/
Abstrakt: The present scientific paper addresses the issue of the impact of selected preventive measures to halt the spread of corona virus on the area of individual employment relationships, especially on the protection of employees' health at work during the postponement of the preventive medical examinations of employees. The authors justify the relevance and the need to carry out preventive medical examinations of employees in real time and within the set deadlines with regard to the primary protection of employees' health. The aim is to analyse the labour law consequences of the suspension and postponement of preventive medical examinations of employees and thus put forth the legal and practical arguments against the implementation of such measure in the form in which it has been adopted. The adopted measure disproportionately interferes with the right to protection of the life and health of the employee at work and causes legal uncertainty for the entities in terms of their responsibilities in employment relations.
Kľúčové slová: preventive medical examination, employee, employer, health and safety protection at work, COVID-19, coronavirus
Názov časopisu: ISSN: Ročník: Ćíslo: | STUDIA IURIDICA Casoviensia 1339-3995 8.2020 2 |