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Autori: Erika László
Rok vydania: 2020
Vydavateľ: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Fakulta verejnej správy
Dostupné od: 30.01.2020
URL článku:
Abstrakt: In this study, the author presents the central, regional and local levels of environmental administration in Hungary and their tasks. Through two specific examples (the Danube Flood and the 2010 Kolontár Red Sludge Disaster), she analyzes the incidents damaging the environment, their consequences and impacts. She also proves that the cooperation between municipalities and regional environmental and disaster management bodies is inevitable. She studies the role played by the environmental administration in the protection and makes suggestions for improving the efficiency of protection. In the context of the two incidents, she analyzes the possibilities of the environmental administration in the protection against environmental damages and makes recommendations on its development.
Kľúčové slová: environment protection, environmental administration, public administration, red sludge disaster, flood
Názov časopisu: ISSN: Ročník: Ćíslo: | Verejná správa a spoločnosť 2453-9236 20/2019 2 |