Autori: | Zuzana Kožárová • Adriana Boleková |
Dostupné od: | 06.05.2021 |
Vydanie: | 1. vydanie |
Typ dokumentu: | pomocný učebný text |
Jazyk publikácie: | slovenčina |
Počet strán: | 24 |
Licencia: | Creative Commons BY NC (Uveďte autora - Nepoužívajte komerčne) |
This workbook has been composed from the book by Assoc. prof. Adriana Boleková, MD, PhD. et al. “How to study and not forget” - the principles of brain-compatible learning. It will help students to identify their bad learning habits, while offering the opportunity to work actively to change their learning style, through various practical tips and exercises.
The workbook is divided into four parts:
We hope this workbook will help students find out which activities prevent you from achieving better study results and then you will be able to replace them with effective ones.