Autori: | Eva Mechírová • Iveta Domoráková |
Rok vydania: | 2016 |
Vydanie: | 6. vydanie - dotlač |
Typ dokumentu: | vysokoškolský učebný text (skriptá) |
Jazyk publikácie: | angličtina |
Počet strán: | 76 |
Fakulta/pracovisko UPJŠ: | Lekárska fakulta UPJŠ |
Ústav: | Ústav histológie a embryológie |
The content of this "Practical lessons" represents a record of the appearance, under the light microscope of the tissues, organs and systems of the human body. In addition, it provides visual guidelines during the practical phase of a histology course. It is hoped that this book will be especially useful to students to understand fully the microscopic structure of human tissues and organs.